Is Facebook down? That’s how you can check it.

Is Facebook down? That’s how you can check it.

Every once in a while all marketers have to face their greatest fear – Facebook, their main advertising platform, stops working. Not because of a local error in the browser or cookies but because of a global issue with Facebook servers.

Instead of guessing and trying to figure out whether it’s the fault of your computer/ web browser or it is Facebook itself, you can check it quick and easy. 

Facebook Ads, like any self-respecting online platform, provides its customers with a dedicated tool, thanks to which you can check whether Facebook is working properly or there is a problem.

In order to use this tool, all you need to do is to check the real-time updated window below or visit the website. It provides real-time and archived data on all issues with the Ads Manager and related Facebook services. 

However, it does not show locations experiencing problems, nor is it responsible for the daily operation of Facebook as a social media portal.

You can check the current status of Facebook Ads Manager in the window below

If you see the sign , everything is fine and there are no issues with the Ad Manager at the moment.

How to check if Facebook is down?

To verify if Facebook is working as a social media portal at the moment, visit the external site The page shows the current status of Facebook services in your area and allows all users to leave comments regarding potential disruptions in their area.

Jak sprawdzić czy Facebook działa?

I hope you found this article helpful and made you feel more confident. Although it often happens that the error is on the user’s side, it is always worth to exclude other possibilities and check whether Facebook servers are not experiencing any disruptions. 

If you still haven’t found a solution to your Facebook problem, please try to contact Facebook support or send me a message. Together we will find a way to fix it! ????

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